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只看楼主 正序阅读 使用道具 0 发表于: 2010-06-04
我开始练的华山 学了九剑 修到100叛华山 进星宿学毒准备叛了去恒山  请问我的九剑还能找冲哥消点吗?  我的九剑还可以转OE吗? 







只看该作者 1 发表于: 2010-06-14
For a Cheap wow gold buy wow power leveling aion wedding dresses wow power leveling warrior in the World of Warcraft, one of your most sought after skills will be as a tank with a group in an instance. There are many different dungeons and instance throughout the game, and you will constantly aion gold see people advertise for them, needing a tank, healer, and others to join them. By making yourself a good tank, you will earn yourself many group invites to instances throughout your time as a WoW warrior. This, in turn, will earn you some great friends, great loot, and good killing fun.To be a good tank, you first need to know how to handle your wow gold character in a fight. From the beginning of your toon to the end, you should know your best fighting tactics and you should be able to pick out the main mob to go for in a fight. During your training, you should be able to pick up weapons that will cause a lot of damage to a mob you are fighting and you should practice with it a lot to ensure that you know how to wedding dresses handle yourself when it comes to being in an instance. Gather all the training that you can, all the spells and abilities, and any enchantments or special armor that will help you during your fighting.When you are invited to be in a group, and you have the time to run the instance, you should go. It doesn't matter if you have run that particular louis vuitton handbags instance before or not, the more experience that you have with any instance, the better you can do overall in the game. If you aren't familiar with that particular instance, ask your friends or guild members who have been there for any tips or advice that they can give you. You can also check with some of the World of Warcraft websites that show quest information and give advice on different
wedding dresses areas of the game. Meet with your party and greet them all warmly, after all, cxyjsdghdjhg they will be covering your behind while you are in the middle of the mobs. Ask politely for any buffs that will help you, or anything else that your group members can do or provide (such as potions or enchantments) that will allow you to be a better tank. cxy
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